Mario Draghi: First Step in the Right Direction or Empty Promise?
 Mario Draghi, the ECB President, announced yesterday that the ECB stands ready to do whatever is necessary to ensure the Euro will not become an extinct currency. Thanks to his remarks yesterday global equity markets staged a rally and the Euro posted a sharp rally against its major trading partners. Bond markets in Italy and Spain soared as bond traders expect ECB intervention.

Posted: 7/27/2012 3:01:05 PM with 0 comments
Filed under: crisis, debt, Draghi, ECB, Euro, bonds

Moody's downgraded ratings of 17 German banks
 International rating agency Moody's on Wednesday lowered the forecast from positive to negative the long-term ratings on 17 banks in Germany and a number of their branches.

Posted: 7/26/2012 10:36:36 AM with 0 comments
Filed under: business, Gewrmany, markets, Moody's, ratings, banks

TARP Darlings in Big Trouble
 TARP, short for Trouble Asset Relief Program, is one of the most idiotic, self-destructive, counter-productive, socialistic and anti-free market programs in our modern history. TARP will be later known as one of the reasons the U.S. economy never had a chance to recover. Taxpayers were forced into a bailout of banks and left holding the bag.

Posted: 7/25/2012 11:32:33 AM with 0 comments
Filed under: banks, socialism, TARP, bailout

Europe lifted shares of Italian banks
Yesterday, the European trading floors have been suspended trading in shares of Italian banks due to heavy fall of prices.

As reported today by representatives of the Italian stock exchange Borsa Italiana, which is owned by the British corporation of stock exchange operators “London Stock Exchange Group plc”, tradings of all securities of the largest financial institutions of this country have been temporarily suspended.

Posted: 7/24/2012 9:44:56 AM with 0 comments
Filed under: bonds, ECB, EU, IMF, Italy, shares, banks

Spain just ensured they will not recover anytime soon As Spain battles high unemployment coupled with a recession on top of a debt crisis they seem to have forgotten a golden rule when you dug yourself a hole: Stop digging! Spain is in a severe liquidity crisis and the last thing any semi-intelligent individual would want to do is drain what little liquidity remains from the system.

Posted: 7/23/2012 4:27:47 PM with 0 comments
Filed under: depression, liquidity, recession, selling, short, Spain, ban